Thursday, December 6, 2012

It’s a Circus in Here

My parents gave us the great idea to go to the circus.  Jake and I both have fond memories from the circus when we were kids, so we considered it… but once we found out that this circus benefitted Shriner’s Hospital, we were sold.  Shriners Hospitals for Children is a network of 22 non-profit hospitals across North America. Children with orthopedic conditions, burns, spinal cord injuries, and cleft lip and palate are eligible for care and receive all services in a family-centered environment, regardless of the patients’ ability to pay.

It may not have been Cirque du Soleil, but it was well worth the drive up to north Scottsdale.  The kids loved it.  I was even impressed by some things… I mean, there was a bear sitting on a chair, eating chips out of someone’s hand just a few feet away from us.


“Who loves the circus?!”


‘Mom, look at that!’


‘Mommmmm!!!  No, really!  Oh my goodness… LOOK!!!’


“Oh, wow.  You’re right, Ari.  That is nuts!” (pun not intended)… sorry, I just couldn’t help myself, tee hee.


They begged for popcorn and cotton candy.  We got both and were left penniless (What?  It was for a good cause).  They also begged to ride the elephants, take a photo with the bear, with the snake, on the Santa sled with the circus sled dogs, go on the bouncy house obstacle course.  Like I said, we were penniless, so we had to draw the line.  We drew it at cotton candy.

Funny thing is, no one loved the cotton candy.  Gabe said it was too sweet.  Bella said it was too sticky.  Ari made a face like she was getting dust bunnies in her mouth every time she felt the texture on her tongue.  Haha, you don’t know until you try it.  They ate it for the novelty though.


Liam was amazed.  Just kidding, he almost always looks that way :).


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