Thursday, April 11, 2013

Our Decision

A few months ago, I wrote about a surgery that was recommended for Ariana.  I’m going to just cut to the chase, and let you know that a decision was made to go through with the surgery this summer.  This surgery, called the Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy, is something that we have been both working hard to get approved and something that we’ve been dreading at the same time.  We still feel the same mixed emotions about it, but we are at peace with our decision.  We believe, after speaking with parents of children who have gotten the surgery and with grown individuals who have received the surgery themselves, that we are making the best long-term decision for Ari.  We hope that her life will be more comfortable and manageable for her as a result of this surgery.  We even have some faint hope that she may actually make gains in her walking as a result of it.  Hey, a mom can dream. 

Ariana’s surgery is scheduled for 7 AM Arizona time on Monday, June 3.  We are doing an all-call for prayers leading up to, during, and after the surgery.  We pray that everything goes beautifully, that she does not suffer, that she does not experience complications, and that she is able to realize noticeable benefits as soon as possible.  We also pray that we will have the strength to be super parents, super caregivers, super nurses, super spouses, and basically super-human during this time.

Ariana is our angel; always has been and always will be.  We ask that you keep her in your hearts and on your minds at this upcoming time of trial in her life.  Thank you.



Paradise Found said...

Sweet and beautiful Ari will remain in our prayers. I've marked our calendar. Let us help you whenever/wherever help is needed.

Rich Mom, Rich Dad. Poor Mom, Poor Dad. said...

Hi! This is Jaime, Emma's mom from the Nutcracker. I've followed your blog since Caroline posted it on the Ballet Academy of AZ's webpage. Emma just thinks the world of Ari and I will be sending her tons and tons of good health vibes her way! She's a sweet, beautiful girl and I hope that her recovery is as painless as possible and that the long term results are what she deserves and for your beautiful family to have a lot of strength and love during this time! Emma always talks about her often!