Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Good Little Citizens

At school, the kids are taught a character education program called Character Counts.  There are six pillars of character that are featured throughout the year.  Every time they feature one of the pillars, they hold an assembly and pep rally at the week’s end.  Each teacher gets to nominate one student from the class that they feel best demonstrates this character trait.  The last of the six pillars was Citizenship, and I got notes home in both of my twins’ backpacks telling me that my little one was to be honored in the assembly this time.

This made my ever-lovin’ mama heart so happy to hear.  I would’ve been thrilled if even one of my twins had been selected, but the fact that both were (by shear coincidence I’m told) made it that much better.  This simply said to me Gabe and Ari are happy in school, and it shows.  What could possibly sound sweeter to a mom of two kindergarteners?

Ari was so happy to see her Daddy and Nana came too.


Gabe spotted me for the first time :).


Ari was ecstatic throughout most of the assembly.  Of course, she couldn’t have been happier about the music and dancing part.  Every once in a while, she would get overstimulated and start to pout, but she usually just snapped right back (note:  we later found out that she did not eat her lunch that day… only her dessert; which it’s safe to say is accountable for the mood swings).


Gabe was so proud.  I love this bashful smile.  Ari felt proud for maybe a minute.  Then she realized that the whole school was staring right back at her, and her emotions (and lack of sustenance) got the best of her.


I love witnessing the people they are becoming.  I am so often reminded of what an honor it is to be a small part of who they will end up being.  This ceremony was just one of those times.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

What an exciting day! And beautiful photos! I just stumbled across your blog and thought I'd tell you what a beautiful family you have. Also, in case you're interested, here's a great link full of cerebral palsy resources. Hope you find it helpful. Have a great day :)