Thursday, October 17, 2013

Bella’s pARTy

I loved throwing Bella’s party this year.  Truth be told, I have really enjoyed throwing every party for each of my children.  I always try to say that I’ll have a casual party, with minimal prep, and maybe five guests, right before each birthday.  I have no idea what makes me say this, because that would just be no fun at all (for me)!  Although Bella’s birthday this year came at a busy time, there was not a doubt in my mind about what kind of party had to be done.  Our Bella is an arteest.  Her coloring and her imaginative yet realistic drawings always floor me.  She has a way with color that has impressed us from the time she could scribble.  Whether she has a spare five minutes or five hours, you can always find her coloring away at the table in our dining room that has come to be known as her “coloring table.” 

The party really was not too difficult to put together, as I kept the menu simple this time around.  We served Picasso’s Pizza, Vibrant Veggies, Creative Juices, Paint Brushes (chocolate covered rice krispy treats), and Colorful Cupcakes.  Our main activity took up almost the whole time, because the kids really got into it, which was awesome!  You never know which way it will go when you’re entertaining 24 kindergarteners on a hot day.  The kids each painted a “Tree of Love” on a 16x20” canvas.  Each one was really unique, which was what made it so special.  And rather than a bag full of candy and trinkets, the kids had a meaningful favor to take home with them that even their moms could appreciate.

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This face right here.  This is why I do this.  Stenciling 24 canvases and decorating two dozen cupcakes with seven colors of frosting is nothing when you throw this in the mix.


Ari is giving us her sign for “I’m excited!”


This is serious work.


Gabe is not pictured individually in this post, because he left very quickly to go play with his cousin, Vance, after completing his painting.  He said something about “need[ing] to get out of here”  because it was a “sea of girls.”  One day he’ll stick around for that kind of thing.  Below is my evidence that he was there.


I loved seeing everyone’s beautiful masterpieces.  Top right:  Bella.  Bottom left:  Gabe.  Bottom right:  Ari.


I smile inside when I saw each of their Happy Birthday song faces.  Ari is just delighted for Bella, and Jake can’t even contain how much he adores her.  Meanwhile, Bella just basks in the glow.  Makes my heart happy.

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Food label and invitation design credit:  unnamed


The Kuzdas Family said...

Such a creative and cute idea! I may have to steal it one day! Your kids are beautiful!

stargazerdaisy said...

Hi I love your bday party idea. I was wondering if you can tell me where you purchased the non painted tree of love canvases?

Taylors said...

They were inspired by one that I have purchased from Land of Nod, and I hand drew each one :).