Saturday, January 10, 2015

Everyday Miracles

Sleepover at Grammy and Papa's // not much sleeping happening but lots of great memories being made.

She loves her some bunnies in a very gentle, caring, non-Elmyra Duff kind of way ;).

This day makes you sigh so hard // standing here in Grammy and Papa's front yard.

Liam rockin' the scooter. Gabe rode his razor scooter down quarter pipes at the skate park today too. Pretty cool.

The men all pitched in to help frame the playroom addition at Grammy and Papa's house today.

Boys and their tools // he thinks he's so big, but just look at that face.

Found treasures // the opening of an unintentional time capsule happened today.

Today is a good mail day // I'm a hippy at heart.

Lovely winter afternoon.

There's always something going on over here. Today it's my Christmas present... Skylights! // The Jakes like to hang out on the roof, being studs, and talk about manly stuff like beard oil.

Because of the magic of Velcro, I was able to realize my dream of hanging wreaths in subway tiled windows.

Grateful to have this wonderful girl in our lives // more like family.

A rare moment // Liam sharing.

I love our new skylight well and how it brightens up this previously dark space // last night the moon was shining right down through it.

Garden salad takes on a while new meaning when it's from your own garden.

One day, I hope to have a real fireplace mantle, but until then, I've made one from twine and twigs (tree branches) and it's making me happy.

PicMonkey Collage12-23-14

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