Tuesday, August 19, 2008

18 Month Pediatrician Well-Check

Gabe and Ari had their 18 month old well-check today with Dr. Sudha, and here are the stats:
Gabriel is 25.8 lbs (45th %tile for weight), 33 in. (65th %tile for height), and has a head circumference in the 100th %tile (he has lots of brains). Ariana is 23.5 lbs. (50th %tile for weight), 32 in. (55th %tile for height), and has a head circumference in the 75th%tile. They are growing well, and we feel fortunate for their present health.
Dr. Sudha was also able to diagnose Ariana's past sickness as Roseola. Roseola is a viral illness that typically occurs in young children between 6 months and 2 years old. It is marked by several days of high fever (over 103 degrees F) and followed by a distinctive rash that occurs on the trunk and spreads over the rest of the body just as the fever breaks. This is exactly what happened to Ari -- glad to know some doctors have the answers.
Auntie Marci came to hang out and help us with the doctor appointment. The kids had so much fun having her here -- they hardly fussed the whole time. Though I think Marci won't have any trouble sleeping tonight... and tomorrow...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We go to Dr. Sudha. She is my favorite person EVER!!!!! Did you see Santana's Canvas on the wall? His is on the Yellow wall on the sick side waiting room. You can't miss him. Have you always seen her? She is the BEST. The twins are cute as ever!