Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Stem Cell Therapy Postponed

After much consideration, Jacob & I have decided to postpone Ariana's Stem Cell Therapy, due to illness. Ariana came down with a strong head a chest cold and pink eye over the last few weeks, and they have yet to blow over (except the pink eye). On top of that, Ari came down with high fever and chills on Friday night, and she has not been well ever since. This is her first day without a temperature, but she still is very congested and seems to be very weak. To boot, Gabe has just gotten sick and our nanny Devyn seems to be catching it as well.

Stem cells, in theory, always home to the sight of most recent injury (or low oxygen levels). If Ariana's body is working on fighting off illness, the stem cells (for lack of a better term) might be very confused, and get misdirected from our primary goal, which is of course her brain. That would be a very expensive and taxing treatment for a flu virus.

Needless to say, we are going to wait until Ari is well to go seek treatment. Our new tentative date is February 15, which is also over a three-day weekend. So please remember to pray on that date. If, for whatever reason, Ari should recuperate fully earlier than that, we may (doctor's schedules permitting) grab the opportunity and go sooner. We'll keep you posted.


Karmann said...

I am so sorry that she has been so sick!!! I will keep her and you guys in my prayers that she will be well and able to go next month!!! I miss you so much!!! I should be there right now with you guys!!! sniff sniff!!! :( love you!!!

Chrissy Edwards said...

We will be praying for you guys that weekend! I am sorry Ari did not get to go - but we were so happy that you could join us for Disney! :)