Monday, January 31, 2011

My First RAW Shot

As an aspiring photographer, there’s just some things that you have to at least try before you can call yourself informed.  One of those things is shooting in RAW.  I’m not about to make a joke of myself by attempting to explain what this means, but I can say that shooting in RAW gives you much more freedom creatively, with the price to pay being way less storage space.  I value my storage space and my time, but I can see why people go through the trouble.  The original photo was taken in pretty horrible lighting conditions (dark, backlit, and then some), but a little tweak in Lightroom and voilá, you can see the difference.

S.O.O.C. (Straight out of Camera):DSC_4990-2



That said, don’t expect the same thing in all future photos, as I’m just figuring it out… one naptime at a time.

1 comment:

April Gould said...

you are totally amazing!! that is awesome.