Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Off We Go To Papago

It was just another weekend day.  We could’ve followed the kids around the house, helping them create tornados of destruction and then picking up after them as they continue from room to room.  We do this a lot, and we love when we do it too… not so much the picking up part as the mess making part, but it’s all good.  Instead, we made a break for it.  We had no idea where we would go, except that it must be outdoors.  Weather this good beacons to you.  We ended up here, at Papago Park:


We called it “the WILD” a la ‘Madagascar’ (the movie, for those who aren’t up on their animations).  We found the one wheelchair accessible hike and we strolled towards the red holey rocks.  Gabe picked up sticks and threw rocks.  Bella did her best to imitate his every move.  Ari smiled and jabbered the whole way there.  All was well until we were followed a few too many paces by a persistent bee who apparently thought we were flowers (or just wanted to be a martyr?).  Anyway, there was some squealing (mine was among them *sigh*), and the kids were glued to our thighs and chests from then on. 

Gabe: “I don’t like the wild.  The bumble bees are going to sting us… but they are our friends!”  He didn’t really seem to fully grasp the concept of friendly bees. 

Even an adrenaline-filled memory of friendly bees who chase us in “the wild” with the family is better than no memory at all in my book. :)

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CDR said...

I love these photos, and "the wild" story is so cute.

Jenna said...

My name is Jenna and I came across your site. All your kids, are full of life, joy, love, spunk, and smiles. They are all troopers, champs, and inspirations. They are also all hero's. I was born with a rare life threatening disease.
My site is: http://www.miraclechamp.webs.com