Tuesday, February 22, 2011

“Other Hand” Lunch

It blows me away that Isabella is getting fitted for her 3rd prosthesis!  This new one isn’t going to be snazzier in the tech department, but it will fit her arm more comfortably.  She has almost outgrown the one she has now, and she’s getting less tolerant of how it squeezes her arm chub into that little pocket.  We had to take some new pictures of Bella’s myoelectric prosthesis in action to illustrate how she uses it.  She’s not a leftie and she knows how to use her fork, but she likes showing off with her hand so much that she decided to eat her chicken with it almost exclusively.  She was out to prove her skills!


Little Ari was so inspired by Bella’s use of her “other hand” that she decided to give it a go and eat chicken (rare) with her right hand (rarer still), which used to be fisted almost completely up until this year.  She couldn’t let her sister hog all the applause and praise.  I’m so proud of my girls and how far they’ve both come.  They are both so determined to make the most of what they’ve been given.  They are a true inspiration to me!


Not to forget my adorable, bright, loving boy.  These kids, man… make my heart soar.


1 comment:

Gena MacDonald said...

That is fantastic! Sometimes sisterly competition can be a good thing!!