Monday, July 11, 2011

Long Lost Cousins

Jake’s siblings used to be local for the most part (at least three out of the five), but life has scattered the others so that now, no two siblings are within four hours of each other and we reside in four different states.  I really wish everyone were closer, because there are no truer or better friends than your own sisters and brothers, given the chance to be a part of each other’s lives and really know one another.  I’m still holding out the hope that one day everyone will be a little nearer, and the kids will play like siblings and grow up not remembering what it was like to be without each other.  And while that might never come to pass, we have these times in the interim. 

We had Aunt Ali and cousins Vance and Madison over for dinner and a swim, and you’d never know that the cousins have only met each other fewer than ten times – and more like four for the younger ones – in their short lives.  That’s the thing about family (and the friends that are like family) – you pick up right where you left off.  No one had to tell them to kiss and hug and play nicer than nice.  They just know, and that’s so cool.

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Making muscles.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Such heartwarming photos of all the cousins together...Love is an amazing thing. All the kids are beautiful and adorable! Love the muscle photo! Bella is a hoot! Nana Starr