Tuesday, July 5, 2011

weekend for daddy

Daddy’s birthday and Father’s day usually fall on or around the same time.  This year, they were spaced two days apart and over the weekend.  Needless to say, it was a weekend all about him. 

Words can’t begin to express how grateful I am to have Jacob in my life. 

Most people can pretty much count on one hand the people and situations in this life that consistently make them a happier, better person.  He is number one on my list.  And I know three other people who feel the same way.


We brought him Sprinkles cupcakes to the office, and we spent the weekend eating what was left of the dozen.  We sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to daddy quite a few times, because eating a cupcake is just more fun if you sing that song first.


We also celebrated with a little grown-up get-together for dinner at Blanco, because he’s so worth it.  And because there’s simply no excuse not to have a date night whenever the opportunity presents itself. 

I love this man.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! Fabulous photos of everyone! Love how you appreciate your wonderful family..You look particularly beautiful and radiant in your photo, Elisa..