Tuesday, July 10, 2012

First Tooth for Gabe

Gabe has had a loose tooth for a few months now.  He hadn’t really been in much of a hurry to turn it into a lost tooth, but two nights ago, it just couldn’t hang on any longer.  It was the kind that poked out between your closed lips when you’re not even talking.  He was horrified of the blood he tasted in his mouth after wiggling it, so he forbade us from messing with it or even discussing it for a couple hours.  Right before bed, he pulled it out on his own.  He was motivated by the threat that the tooth fairy would only come if he did not swallow it or lose it while he was sleeping.  He thought it best if the thing found its way safely under his pillow.  Lucky for him, because the tooth fairy puts a high value on first teeth and he made a whole $5 off of pawning that beaut. 

And it looks like hanging on to that baby tooth for so long might not have come without a price for mom and dad.  I’m not talking about $5 either.  We might be talking orthodontic work here.  His adult tooth seems to be about a centimeter behind the row of baby teeth!  We’ll all soon see how that pans out.

Right now, we’re celebrating getting ready for kindergarten, and how much more ready can you be with a big hole where your front baby tooth used to be?  Pretty cool.

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1 comment:

Sarah said...

This brought me back to when our son lost his first tooth and was afraid of the blood in his mouth after wiggling away. He also appreciated the reward from the tooth fairy. Often the rest of the adult teeth match so it should be alright as the others start to come out.