Thursday, July 12, 2012

Liam at 1 Month

Little Liam Chase is still a bundle of sheer joy at one month old.  I’d bite my tongue, but he deserves credit for being my easiest baby so far (and Bella left big shoes to fill).  He eats very well and is showing it by weighing in at 10 lbs. 2 oz. at his one month appointment (that’s 3 lbs. 5 oz. over his birth weight!).  He is also 21 3/4 inches, falling squarely in the 50th %tile for both height and weight for his age.  If he’s anything like my other three babies, It won’t be long before he surpasses that. 

He has been sleeping on average 4 hour stretches during the night, sometimes less, but one or two nights as much as 6 hours.  He also sleeps quite a bit during the day, but I guess that’s to be expected with all the growing he’s been doing.  He has such a calm and easygoing personality.  He really doesn’t fuss much except when he’s hungry or overstimulated.  He has begun to make eye contact and his eyes are more fixed and not so googley anymore.  He has started cooing and making noises other than cries and grunts, which is adorable and even makes Gabe melt to bits.  At two weeks old, he rolled over from tummy to back once, but hasn’t done it again since.  He has also started showing interest in his musical, light up toys during the short periods that he’s awake. 

Most importantly, he continues to melt my heart every single day.  I look for every excuse to hold him and smoosh my cheek up next to his and rock is chubby little bod.  Yesterday, I observed a Conductive Education program for Ariana to be a part of next summer and I got to hold Liam for three full hours without interruption.  It was so special.  I am so happy he came to us!



The Rich Family said...

He is so adorable! I'm so happy things are going well. We miss your little (big) family!:)

T said...

Too cute!

What did you think to the conductive ed. programme for Ari?

Taylors said...

@T, I am going to be doing Conductive Ed for Ari next summer! Very excited :)