Monday, August 13, 2012

Baby Boy at 2 Months

Our little Liam just gets sweeter and more lovable every single day.  I love this age.  I do love every stage, but right now I’m shamelessly head over heels for Liam (I call him Yum Yum).  I am about to do a post that may be much more for my own enjoyment than anyone else’s.  Brace yourself for a list of ordinary baby milestones and a whole page of photos with only slight variances in cute facial expressions from one image to the next :).

Liam has been making it his business to chunk up quick.  Right now, Liam weighs 13 lbs. 9 oz. (90th %tile) and is 24.75 inches long (95th %tile).  It cracks me up when I hear people say he’s tiny, because he’s actually kind of huge.  He is still exclusively breastfeeding, and he eats about every three hours during the day and is sleeping for 5 hour stretches at night (waking once per night).  I feed Liam on demand, so I can’t really say how many times he eats, but there’s no question that he seems to be getting plenty. 


During the day, Liam naps on the go and has to be pretty flexible when it comes to the schedule demands of a family of six. However, he generally takes three long naps per day, waking for only two or three hours in between.


Liam has been trying to hold his head up when he’s upright or on his tummy.  He’s still pretty wobbly, but he gets an ‘A’ for effort.  He has found his hands and likes to drool all over them.  Eye contact is a strength of his.  It’s as though he’s peering into your soul.

He has begun to be a ball of fun when he’s awake.  He even debuted his contagious smile for us.  He just lights up when people talk to him, and he responds sweetly with his own little coos.  I feel myself melting to the floor when he tells me “ah goo”.  Music to a mama’s ears.


Right now, Liam is enjoying his play gym. He still isn’t grabbing for the toys, but he likes the Little Einstein classical tunes it pipes out. He gets excited and starts kicking and cooing whenever it’s on. Strangely, when I turn on the music and lights on his bouncer (not classical music), he gets irritated very quickly.


A pacifier (binkie) still works wonders for soothing this boy when he’s crabby.  I hope he sticks with it, because it really does help keep things calm during the few more difficult moments in the day.  Overall though, I have to say that our boy is very rarely crabby.  He has an easygoing temperament, he is very tolerant of his brother and sisters, and he can usually be soothed just by being picked up and held.  If none of that works, then the Miracle Blanket can relax him even when he’s totally overstimulated. Within two minutes of wrapping him up in that thing, he will be either cooing or fast asleep.

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I thought that my heart had already reached its love capacity before he came along, but I was so wrong.  He is such a wonder to me, and I love getting to know him more each day.


Kathy;-) said...

Nothing short of precious and a miracle. So beautiful

Chrissy Edwards said...

*LOVE* :)

Anonymous said...

LIAM is pure joy and bliss! We love him more than words can say.

Nana Starr