Friday, January 3, 2014

She’s a Natural

Bella’s has turned into some kind of dancer that I was expecting to see for a few more years.  She has talent, but it isn’t the kind of talent that comes with hours and hours of practice (which has its own merits, to be sure!).  There exists a type of talent that you’re either born with or you ain’t – and this girl was born that way!  I don’t usually get to stay and watch Bella’s dance class, because I take Ari to physical therapy at the same time, so her moves came as a surprise to me.  I half expected the awkwardness of a… well, a little girl.  But to put it mildly, Bella moves like a woman.  Her booty rolls could turn any head :). 

It needs to be said that maybe I should have given her more credit.  She was blessed with the lion’s share of athletic ability of my kids – for instance, she can do the splits while riding a two-wheel bike… one handed.  She can outrun any boy her age that has dared try her (and many older ones).  She is a stunter in cheerleading, and the owner (her private coach) calls her “a natural”.  She was swimming underwater like a fish by the time she was two years old.  So, she’s cool like that, and I guess it was only a matter of time before she started looking too sexy while dancing (despite being the most modestly dressed of all the dancers in her class, I might add ;)). 

Yeah, I’m proud of my little sassy mcsassafrass, cutie patootie, one-handed wonder for sure.

And I just have to do a throwback pic of baby Bella doing the splits (after putting on her ankle bracelets).

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