Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Upsee by Firefly

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Many of you have heard about the Upsee by Firefly, which is a new and innovative invention by a mom of a child with Cerebral Palsy in Belfast, Ireland.  It is essentially a harness that holds the child up in a supported way while they feet are simply strapped to the adult’s insoles, allowing them to walk along with their parent.  This amazing product allows young children to learn what it feels like to walk, but perhaps more importantly, allows them the experience of interacting and playing with their peers they in ways they never would get to while sitting or laying. 

For those who have spent time around Ari and I, you know that I often hold her in front of me in this position, supporting her arms and shoulders, while attempting to kick her feet with mine.  As much as I love doing this for her, it has become almost impossible for me to continue this as her legs and core have weakened since her surgery, and she now weighs 50 lbs., which is over half my body weight.  The Upsee would allow me to continue this much more effectively, practically, and comfortably (for both her and I).

We are so fortunate to have such wonderful people in our lives, both near and far.  One of our dear friends, Tanja and her husband Matt, have set up a donate site through GoFundMe with the idea in mind that others might want to contribute and be a part of Ari reaching this goal and having this experience.  We feel very grateful for this, and we are so excited by the idea that this might be a part of Ari’s life very soon.  The Upsee reaches the worldwide market on April 7, I’m told, which is just 5 days away!

If you would like to contribute to Ari’s Upsee Fund by Tanja, you can find the link here:

Thank you so much for your support!  I know Ari thanks you too! :)

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