Thursday, May 15, 2014

Everyday Miracles

A few of the most recent everyday miracles…

The king of copycat recipes, straight from the source.  Le Grande Orange’s Kale and Quinoa salad recipe.  To die for.

The “world’s fastest growing tree”, the Royal Empress, is growing in my yard.  Four of them actually.  Three even look like they will make it.

Gorgeous peaches that are (finally) picked and frozen for use.

Muffins With Mom with my mini me.  She was so excited for this day to arrive.  She sang me a song, made me sweet little gifts, and was seriously great company. She made me feel like a million bucks.

Cool moonlight reflecting off the pooled water on the freshly irrigated lawn.  It basked our whole yard in silver light.

When life hands you half-bird-eaten peaches… make peach popsicles. 

My first peach pie!  Entirely from scratch.  It took all night, but it was worth it.

Building Megablock castles with my last doughy baby at home. 

Picnic lunches with Liam everyday.  He’s not loving the grape tomatoes... a little tart maybe?

But he is loving gazpacho.  Somehow tomatoes and vinegar together are not tart.

Perfect Mother’s Day.  Loads of attention from my family, gifts and cards, this necklace, and dinner on the patio at Chelsea’s Kitchen (or as Bella calls it, “Kelsey’s Chicken”). 

Giant zucchini from our garden.

Ramen done right with kale or swiss chard and eggs.

Bathing beneath the light of the moon.  Heaven.

Pancakes with homemade peach topping.  We were late to church that morning.

Park play dates with pretty ponies.

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