Saturday, December 6, 2008

Isabella is 2 Months Old

This month has been heaven with baby Bella. Although not super eventful, because she is still only just two months old, I've loved every minute. She is growing fabulously, and is getting to be quite the little chunk. She was 11 lbs. 8 oz. and 22 in. at her 2 month check-up; 75th and 25th percentiles respectively.

At about 6 weeks old, Bella started smiling. Once she started, she pretty much never stopped. Remembering when the twins gave their first smiles, they were few and far between -- not Bella. She's very generous with her happy facial expressions. She'll grin at anyone who makes eye contact with her. And she'll do this over and over again. She's even laughed a few times -- although mostly when she was dozing off to sleep.
Bella also coos and gurgles constantly. I know it's as common as the sunrise, but it makes me beam. I say that she loves talking about her friend "goo". You know, "ah, goo." She is quite the conversationalist too; she'll keep talking as long as you keep listening. Takes after her mama. :)

She is not such a fan of tummy time, much to the dismay of Ari's physical therapist. She kind of just fusses and kicks and spits up and then falls asleep. Oh, well. We'll get there one step at a time. Her head control is making good progress so she prefers to sit upright propped on pillows on the couch.Bella has been getting on a better schedule in terms of eating and sleeping too. She pretty much eats every three hours during the day, with two or three cluster feeds in the evening between 5 and 9 PM. She usually goes to bed at 9, wakes at 12 AM, then sleeps till 6 AM. So, she basically does one six hour stretch. This month, she slept through the night one time. It was amazing. I'm talking 9 PM to 8 AM. Jake said that she must have been really tired. Yeah, or she just really loves her mommy! It's worth mentioning that Bella got sick for the first time this month. She caught a really bad cold and pink eye from her cousins up north. We all had the same thing. A little breastmilk in the eye and the pink eye went away (hey, I just did what the doctor told me to do).This month, Isabella likes: socializing, sucking on her fingers, watching her mobile, her womb sounds bear, her swing, dozing in her carseat, being swaddled in her blanket at night, & eating!

This month, Isabella dislikes: being kept up past bedtime, having to wait to eat (no, even two minutes is too long), & her bath (sometimes).


Erin Buggy said...

She is just delicious! Love those cheeks and her fuzzy little head! Cant wait to squeeze her again this weekend:)

Russell Gould said...

she is growing up so fast and so adorable!!

Krista and Scott said...

I don't think Bella could be any cuter! She's so beautiful--like her mama. I'm so happy for you and your family. Btw: interesting way to cure pink eye, seriously.

Rachel Dominguez said...

She is getting so big. I just fell in love! I also wanted to say that I LOVE the picture at the top of your blog!!!! Beautiful!