Friday, December 5, 2008


This really is a late post, but I'm a firm believer in 'better late than never', so here I go. And I have A LOT to be thankful for.

I'm thankful for my husband, Jacob, who is my best friend and my dream guy. I love it that even though Jacob and I are, in many respects, as different as night and day, we still just get each other. He always knows just how to make me laugh, soften me up, or push my buttons (depending on his intentions). He is the one person that really knows me. I am so thankful that he still loves me despite this; that he loves even the impatient, tempermental, hard-to-love side of me. I am thankful that he shares the same core values and priorities in life as I do. He is also really smart, hard-working, witty, fun, and cute. I am thankful that he is the best dad in the world to our kids. He is the person that holds me up at the end of every day -- I'd be lost without him.

I'm thankful for my babies. I'm thankful that the challenges that they present help me grow as a person and as a parent. I am thankful that they are such happy, adorable, little beings. I'm thankful that Gabe is such a bright, spirited, playful, and loving boy. I'm thankful that he loves to learn. I'm thankful that he still loves to give me kisses and have me hold and cuddle him. I'm thankful for that lovelorn way he looks at me when he's sleepy. He is my boy joy. I'm thankful that Ariana is a true angel from heaven (of course all of my children are, but Ari makes no attempt at disguising it). I am thankful that she is joyful always; that her smile can light up any room and brighten anyone's day (this has been scientifically proven). Ari struggles in this life so that we all may learn from her to be more empathetic, compassionate, softhearted, better people. I am thankful that she is so determined to develop and to grow -- and that she has. I am thankful that her setbacks have not gotten the best of her. She gives me HOPE. I am thankful that Isabella came into our lives when she did and that she is such a sweet gift. She is the most wonderful baby. I am thankful that she is healthy and easy and so delicious! She has allowed me to experience a regular pregnancy, and how pleasant and enjoyable life with a healthy and full-term newborn can be like. I am thankful that she and Ari have each other and share such a unique bond.

I am thankful for Marci. I am thankful that she says that she misses me when she has been away for a week. I am thankful that she is such a strong woman and such a supportive influence to me and my family. I am grateful that she always is by my side whenever I need a hand, no matter how busy I know she is, and she still just tells me that she came over because she wanted to. I am thankful for how she always is thinking of us and that she ends every phone conversation with "kiss the babies for me." She is my best friend and my sister.

I am thankful our family -- parents, sisters, brothers, neices, and nephews. They are what makes life so special. We are so lucky to have so many people that love us so much.

I am thankful for my friends. I've said it before, but I'll say it over and over again, because it's true: I have the best friends in the world. My friends are wonderful, strong, smart, compassionate people who are always ready to offer a shoulder to cry on, a joke to laugh at, useful advice, and anything that they can think of to help out in tough times. My girlfriends have driven hours many times just to hang out, made homemade hairbows for my girls, clipped coupons for me, and cooked us dinners all just because. They are the most thoughtful, beautiful, and fun women I know. One call to them will lift my spirits on even the darkest days.

I am thankful for the gospel of Jesus Christ, our home, our health (whenever it decides to pay us a visit), Jake's job, weekends, our nanny Brooke, our health insurance, and everyday miracles that have helped us along each step of the way. Somehow, it seems that love can even make just scraping by that much nicer.

1 comment:

Erin Buggy said...

Very touching, Elisa, but how dare you make me tear up! You DO have a lot to be thankful for (we all do, really), even if you've been dealt some crummy cards, and I am so glad to hear that you are able to find joy, strength and support in all that is well, AND in all that isn't.
BTW, you may have inspired my to play copycat with your post idea.