Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Fall Bugs

Although the weather doesn't seem to change with the coming of Fall (it is September 22nd after all), the family health does take a turn for the worse without question. All three of our munchkins have come down with Croup, one right after the other. It hasn't been fun, and we even debated taking Gabe to the ER on Sunday night because he sounded so bad (the pediatrician recommended we do, but we decided against it). He seems to have turned the corner and is beginning to get his energy back after a steriod shot to the thigh, but the girls are still in the thick of it. Luckily, theirs is not nearly as bad as Gabe's was. We got our flu shots last Monday, so I think they might have picked this up at the doctor's office. Hopefully, this means that everyone will have gotten the bug out of their system, and we'll be ready to enjoy our Disneyland trip, which is less than a week away!

1 comment:

Erin Buggy said...

Aww! I hope you're all feeling better by now! XO