Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Sleepover at Nana & Papa's

Last weekend, the kids had their first sleepover at Nana & Papa's house (my mom and dad). Nana made a great dinner for the whole family, including Aunt Marci & Leah. The kids loved every minute we spent there while they were being showered with unending attention and souveniers from Nana & Papa's recent trip to Alaska. They espeically loved watching Papa's lazer light machines project stars onto the cieling before bed, and of course swimming in the pool. The kids slept, napped, and ate so well. No tantrums either. And you know me, that right there is enough to make me happy. Of course, it didn't hurt that Jake and I got a date night and got treated like we were at a 5 star resort the whole time we were there either.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was the most happy and memorable week end of my life. Thank you for coming and bringing those precious bundles of joy. We loved being with all of you.

Nana and Papa Starr