Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Switching Schools

Gabe’s preschool teacher was put on bed rest for her pregnancy, so we had to do a little switcheroo until she delivers her baby and returns to teaching in January.  We were very lucky to find another home-based preschool in a very similar environment with a great curriculum that had two openings available: one for Gabe and one for Gabe’s best school buddy, Miles.  It’s a somewhat farther away and only two days a week, so we are planning on returning to the other one when it resumes, but for now, it is a perfect fit.  Gabe has been doing really well with tracing letters, he has even begun to write them on his own.  He loves school and if he had his way, he would be there every day.


1 comment:

Paradise Found said...

Of course you're going to email me that photo, right?? Our boys are SO adorable :) I'm so glad you got a picture at their new school. I'm very grateful that we can carpool too.