Thursday, October 23, 2014

Conductive Ed Fundraiser

For the past two summers, we have enrolled Ari in a program called Conductive Education.  You can read all about it here, but suffice it to say that it is Ari’s most beneficial therapy.  It is so intensive, yet so motivating for her that she makes up for a whole year of physical regression in just four weeks of summer program! 

We attended a casino night fundraiser at Boondocks in Scottsdale with the aim of raising enough money to allow Gaitway to open a year round Conductive Ed program here in Phoenix, like they have in Tucson.  A permanent facility locally would be life-changing for Ari and so many other kids in the valley with motor challenges.  We humbly ask that you please consider donating $400 (per married couple) or $200 (per individual) in tax credit before January 1, 2015 to Gaitway (Individual Achievements Association) for this program.  Your donation will be fully refunded to you, dollar for dollar, when you claim it on your 2014 taxes. 


Tax credit was new to me this year, so I’ll explain it in layman’s for those who aren’t familiar.   When you donate before the end of this year, you will receive a receipt from Gaitway, allowing you to claim this on your 2014 taxes.  It is called a tax credit to a charitable organization.  Every Arizona taxpayer, regardless of income, or whether you are paying taxes or getting a refund only, is allowed a tax credit of up to $400 per married couple or $200 per single individual for this category.  If you owe AZ state taxes, the money you donated will be deducted from the amount that you owe in state taxes.  In other words, the state of AZ gives you the option to put your tax dollars towards Ari instead of Jan Brewer.  If you are eligible for a refund (lucky you!), the amount that you donated will simply be tacked on to your refund and sent back to you.  Dollar for dollar!  Not a percentage.  Every single dollar.  If you want to run this by your accountant, please call him or her today.  Gaitway is on the AZ approved charitable organizations list as Individual Achievements Association.  If you are familiar with tax credit already, please don’t hesitate.  Your donation will be helping Ari and many other kids like her so much.


Making a donation couldn’t be easier.  You can go to their website and click on “Contribute Today” or go directly to their Paypal donation page.  We appreciate you taking the time to learn about tax credit and how your tax dollars can help who YOU want them to help!  You are amazing, and thank you so much for reading!!!

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