Sunday, October 5, 2014

Everyday Miracles

Just our little everyday miracles…

The gift of friends and company and people who make themselves at home in your home – and especially when they hula hoop in your kitchen.

Liam’s bedtime routine, which now has Jake and I a little competitive over who gets to read Liam his story and sing him his lullaby, “Baby Mine” each night.

The little bits of time we get to spend with aunts and uncles and cousins and the feeling of a house full of love and laughter.

Ari’s joy in riding the bus with her friends on her school field trip.  Watching her look not just at me, but around me, at her friends and giggle with them about things that didn’t include me.

Having this special one-on-one time with my girl and watching Charlotte’s Web with her sitting on my lap, hearing her belly laugh at every joke on cue, while she reached forward and hung on to the seat in front of her to get an even better view.

Jake tenderly mending the strap of our daughters’ favorite summer shirt.

Watching his budding independence as he makes breakfast for me in the play kitchen and even does the dishes.

Another one of life’s seeming limits overcome by triumph and joy.  Ari fearlessly rode the Flow Rider for the first and second time, just loving it.

Enjoying party prep for Bella’s birthday.  I have a love/hate relationship with party prep… it’s about 95% love and maybe 5% hate.  Not normal, I know.

Good leftovers.  ‘Nuff said.

Flowers from a friend that last the week.

Watching Liam swim is seriously the cutest.  Chubby bod and legs flailing about, eyes bulging, and then a proud smile and an enthusiastic high five for the instructor every time.

Chocolate chip cookies.  Mysteriously and rapidly vanishing chocolate chip cookies.  That must be a good sign.

Play fort building, which I am convinced is one of my best childhood memories.  I was a child fort junkie.  I’m glad they have it in them too.

Clinging onto the last bit of his babyhood.  Hoping it’s not already gone and that I’m just in denial.

When the pink eye turns out to have been allergies, and you get to spend your sick day playing.

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