Friday, September 5, 2008

Can you Believe This Guy? --> Obama

I know that if you read my blog consistently, you must be a lover of babies. If not, you would have tired long ago of my incessant babble about the joys and sorrows and the miracles that they are. So this video is for all of my fellow baby lovers, regardless of your politics (although I don't indulge you often enough, I'm sure you can tell where I stand). Pause my playlist at the bottom of the page to hear the video.


Chrissy Edwards said...

Oh My Goodness, Elisa. That is nothing that a pregnant mother should EVER watch. I am sitting here with tears running down my face, feeling better than ever that I am making the right choice in this election!!!!

Russell Gould said...

That is disgusting. How can anyone be for that? Especially when so many family's have a hard time conceiving and would love to adopt. There are so many other options.