Monday, September 8, 2008

Our Respite Provider Quit

I normally don't like to use this blog to rant, BUT I think I'll take this as a special excepetion. In July, I started looking for respite providers, knowing that I was coming up on the time when I would need somebody to help me with the kids during the day. I think this goes without saying as I currently have 3-4 doctors appointments every week, twin 18 month olds, and a third baby whose due date is coming right up. I responsibly posted an ad on, to which I had several replies and interviews. I hired a 46 year old woman, named Julie Wils*n, who was nice and caring and seemed to be able to meet all of my job requirements. I specifically asked each interviewee about their long term plans, because I'm not that desperate for aid that I would want to have strangers in and out of my house every other month. I do have standards. Julie implied that she had every intention of nannying indefinitely. I turned down many a wonderful, qualified candidate, mostly on the grounds that Julie already had CPR & First Aid Certification and would be able to start work immediately. Julie began work on September 2. She worked four afternoons. Julie called today (July 8) to quit, stating happily that she got a job in her field (accounting!) and that she would be starting tomorrow. She seemed apologetic for totally stiffing me, which didn't change the fact that I made sure to tell her that she could not count on me as a reference. With only three weeks till my induction date, I'm feeling a little perturbed.

1 comment:

Rebecca Lynch said...

Ugh, so annoying and such a bummer! Have you found someone new? Keep me updated. Also, when's your induction date exactly? We need to catch up. Hope you're feeling well. Love you!