Friday, September 26, 2008

Induction Postponed till Tomorrow

Last night, I was so proud of myself for getting the house ready, packing my hospital bag, painting my toenails, and typing up the babies' schedule for my mother-in-law. I thought I had everything ready for Friday night. But, as many of us have learned the hard way (maybe one too many times), just when you think you've got a grip, life laughs at you. That's what happened to me last night. Jake and I turned in at 11:30 PM, and not 30 minutes later, my baby girl starts screaming and violently throwing up. This went on until 4 AM as I sang to her continuously while sitting her up in our bed. She probably would have continued this till morning, but I couldn't take any more and neither could she, so I gave her some Benadryl (feeling like a bad mom the whole time) and it knocked her right out... until 6:30 AM. Gabe woke up not too much past that with a fever (it's been a persistent low grade fever of 101* for four days with a snotty cold). I was just about to lose it completely, with two screaming sick babies and going on 2 1/2 hours of sleep, when I went downstairs to find that Chewy (our very well behaved dog) had also made an accident during the night. I realized that there was no way that I would willingly submit myself to another consecutive sleepless night (in labor), and I told my OB that the induction would have to be rescheduled for Saturday morning. So, 7:30 AM it is.


Chrissy Edwards said...

GOOD LUCK! I'll be thinking of you!

Justine, Romy's Mama said...

Hey there, I found your blog from Holland and Eden. I just wanted to wish you luck! I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of the new addition. Also, I wanted to share something kinda weird. My sister's name is Elisa, her husband's name is Jacob and they have a daughter named Gabrielle, how crazy is that? Oh, and we're half asian too!