Tuesday, May 18, 2010

All Gabe

Sometimes, I look at this kid, and think to myself, "Where did he come from?". I do this with all of my children from time to time. Most frequently, it's been Gabe though. Now, don't think I forgot how Gabe actually originated; abstractly (from Heaven) or literally (ahem... from his parents). It's just that, now and again, I think to myself that he really has a side of himself that is all his own. A part that I had nothing to do with. The "nature" in nature vs. nurture, if you will.

This evening, when I was making dinner, he begged me to watch the "Pirates movie". He was referring to 'Pirates of the Caribbean'. He has seen the DVD case in our collection, and he's been intrigued with it. Normally, I would make him settle for 'Peter Pan' or 'Mulan', all of which have some nice sword fighting scenes. But this time, I decided to indulge him. From the minute the first fight scene began, Gabe launched into a tornado of sword fighting moves, spinning around and wielding his sword in all directions. He had this furrowed brow, pursed lip look on his face as though he was truly there. I had to make him stand still just so I could snap a few unblurry snapshots (and even those didn't capture it).

Later, when we made him turn off his movie for dinner, he layed on the drama and made this pout face that was just priceless. I much prefer it to whining. He's one of a kind.


Tara said...

Aren't boys so much fun? I love seeing the things Owen comes up with. It is just innate in them. It helps me to understand hubs a whole lot better too.

Gena MacDonald said...

omg he is too adorable for words!