Friday, May 14, 2010

We're Trying... potty train Isabella! Isabella has been showing interest in using the potty for quite some time. I've just been so overwhelmed with potty training Ari, which has proven to be a rollercoaster ride of really super days and some really discouraging days, that I haven't heeded Bella's requests (btw, Ari has been doing great on the potty this past week). I'm starting to feel like this summer might be the time when Bella gets out of diapers. Of course, I'm going to be in school in June, so we may not get serious about it until July, but we're coming up on it. Yesterday, was Bella's first time going number two in the potty! Believe me, she didn't do it without a fight either. She screamed at and hit me the entire time, wanting to get down. She had me busting up laughing as I was trying to block her physical assault. She just felt that going poo on the potty was... well, wrong. I love it.

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